Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Energy Conservation Project: Steps 1-4

1.Ask a question:

-How much money/fuel will I save and how many calories will I burn if I ride my
bike/cross country ski up and down my road instead of driving my car?

2.Information out there?

Google search.

3.Data needed to answer question:

-How many miles is it up and down my road?
-How much fuel does it take drive my car up/down my road?
-How many miles to the gallon does my car get?
-How much does a gallon of gas cost?
-How many gallons are in a barrel of oil?
-How much does a barrel of oil cost?
-How many barrels of oil/money will I save if I opt to ride my bike/cross country ski, hitch a ride up/down my road?
-How many calories do I burn per mile riding my bike or cross country skiing?
-How many miles, to nearest .10 mile, is the length of my road?

4.Methodology for collecting data:

-Log miles up/down my road whenever I drive.
-Keeping a log of when I drive and don’t drive.
-Keep a log whenever I bike up and down my road and how far I go.
-Make calculations accordingly of gas, money, calories used and saved.

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