Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Anthropological Assessment of my School's Technology Culture

Dimond High School is pretty hooked up when it comes to technology. Much of the information that I was asked to find out about came to me at the beginning of the year when I was getting the lay of the land at Dimond and finding out what resources were available to me. I would say that Dimond is behind the times of technology when it comes to Smart Boards. They have projectors and every teacher seems to have a Lap Top computer that wants one. Most teachers use the computer labs or mobile lap top computer cart in there classes at some point during the year. I don't know of any technology classes offered at Dimond where students use technology to create movies or videos. In the class I am teaching I have a semester project that I have encouraged students to create movies, videos, slide shows, power points or something using technology.

I did come to a road block when I tried to get the program "Comic Life" installed on the lap top computers for use in my classroom. I wanted to have the students create a comic using the program. The tech coordinator was not very knowledgable as to how to do this or if it was even possible to do this. Turns out, I won't know or it won't happen this semester in time for me to use it. BUMMER!!! It was going to be a really cool project. Anyone have any ideas for me? Any other cool comic programs or resources out there?

A Link to the Anthropological Assessment Document of my School's Technology Culture

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